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Friday, September 23, 2011

task 4

            I’m not in a field of expertise so I don’t know who I could write about. I’m unemployed and do nothing but do chores for my dad. I will probably fail this post but hopefully not my class. I am also not seeing how I could put in a link. Skylar gave me an idea about writing on some one in the automotive industry cause i know cars. I'm going to do Henry Ford. Henry Ford was born on July 30th 1863 and he looked like a little girl as kid. At sixteen he moved to Detroit to be a machinist apprentice. He founded the ford motor company in the year 1903. In the beginning his plant only made a few cars a day. 1910 brought along a new era with the assembly line. Fords most popular vehical was the model t. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

task 3

I don’t like blogging because I’m very introverted and don’t like sharing with people, but I do like the fact that if it was random people reading the blog its not like it would really matter. I also do like the ability to customize the blog with ease and with many different specs.  My biggest problem I experienced on blogger was making my account initially.  My first account I lost forgot my password so I made a new one, but the post creation is easy to use and understand which is a plus. Traditional writing classes I usually don’t do very well in because I don’t like to write and I’m not very good at it. Intern I think this writing class is better cause I get to type it all, I can listen to my music which has always helped me, I don’t have to do most of my corrections, and I could make money if I tried to.

            I just kind of live in my own little world and I don’t spend much time paying attention on what is happening with any sports or music and stuff like it in the world. Video games are about the only thing I keep current on and it’s not very well. Elder scrolls V Skyrim is about the only up coming thing with video games I am staying current on at the moment. The game developing company named Bethesda is the creator of the Elder Scrolls series, which is one of the best RPG series of all time and Skyrim is the latest. Skyrim has a huge open world map and some great new upgrades to the combat system and its control setup. I am confident that Skyrim will be a game changer in the RPG world.

Monday, September 19, 2011

task 2

            I didn’t have a very exciting weekend by all means. I am grounded and can’t leave my house and for the most part I just did work at my house. Most of my Sunday was spent stripping and cleaning scrap aluminum to take to a scrap yard to make some cash. I’m actually going to drop the aluminum after school today. My friend Rich and I also did some work on the s10 in the garage but didn’t get very far on it. Besides the work I basically just watched TV and did nothing this weekend worth mention especially in my blog. I guess I can count this as part of my weekend though because I wasn’t in school Thursday and Friday for my grandpa’s funeral. On Thursday we went to his service in a little church in the town Jordan where he lived. Jordan is about an hour south of Hastings where I live. Friday we went up to the national cemetery at Fort Snelling to have his funeral and the honor guard did the 21 gun salute.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

task 1

I connect to the world in many different ways using the interweb. Facebook is one of the main ways, talking with friends, adding new people, and playing some competitive apps. I like to use youtube a lot as well and that’s nothing but seeing the world through other peoples eyes in most videos. Granted there is a lot of music on youtube but jenna marbles has what I would call is a video blog where she just talks about random subjects each week.
I’m not really sure what direction I would want to take with my blog at all. I wouldn’t know how to choose that it seems a little too artistic for me. Choosing a direction I guess would just happen for me in some random way. It would most likely just happen on its own, I’m not even one-hundred percent sure what the direction really is. The direction I would think is either just the theme of the blog or the theme of the writing.