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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

task 10

            I start off as a bunch of different solid chemicals, once we are together and heated up I turn to molten glass. Once I’m molten I am kept in the furnace where its really hot around about 2000 f. I am now a workable temperature; this is the point where the glass blower will use the blow pipe which is a hollow iron shaft that allows them to blow air inside me, to swirl around in the molten glass in order to collect me on the end of the blow pipe.once air is blown in and end of the blow pipe is covered by his hand The extreme temperature will cause the air to expand and make bubble out of my elastic skin. The glass blower then rolls me around on a marver which is a thick table of steel but in the old days would have been a marble table. Rolling me around allows the glass blower to manipulate my shape only to stop here and there to re heat me in another furnace slightly cooler then the one I came from initially. The glass blower will also use color rods and other colors of glass to make my pattern and color. Once I’ve reached the desired shape and color pattern I am then put into the third furnace called the annealer where I cool slowly in order not to crack from temperature stress. I can cool for a few hours to a few days depending on my thickness and size. Once I am taken out of the last furnace I am examined heavily and sent to where ever I was sold to.

1 comment:

  1. What a cool post! I like how you never say what, exactly, you are, but follow the process, so that the audience comes to that conclusion on their own. Remember to complete Tasks 8 and 9, without which, your grade will suffer. Again, excellent post!
